Right of Way Management Guidelines

I. Visibility Guidelines

Pedestrians and motorists traveling on city streets or passing through traffic intersections must be able to see clearly in order to avoid collisions or injury to pedestrians. Clear visibility at street intersections and driveways is a matter of public safety. Clear visibility to traffic control devices, such as a stop sign or speed limit sign, is also a matter of public safety.

The ability to see around corners or line of sight to a traffic control device can be impaired by the growth of trees, plants, vehicle parking and even fences. Intersection visibility triangles and line of sight rules require that certain areas of the private property and the abutting the City right of way be maintained and clear of visibility obstructions.

 Exceptions to the visibility rules are:
-   Traffic control devices                 - Utility poles, and utility control devices
-   City approved sign posts             - Government signs                  

 Here is a summary fact sheet with visual diagrams. (PDF file)

 Traffic Control Device Line of Sight Rules (see diagram)

·        Clear line of sight of 100 ft. down the curb line preceding a traffic control device, such as a stop sign or
speed limit sign.
·        If within the street line of sight, tree limbs must be trimmed 8 ft. high minimum from the curb level 100 ft
preceding the device.
·        If within the street line of sight, shrubs must be a 30” high maximum from the curb level 100 ft. preceding
the device.

Intersection Visibility Triangle Rules (see diagram)

·         At intersecting streets, each leg of the triangle has an intersection offset distance measured along the
curb line from a hypothetical intersection of the extended curb lines of the intersecting streets. The length
of each leg is governed by the speed limit on the street: 30 ft long where speed limit is less than 40 mph,
45 ft long where speed limit is higher
·        No motor vehicle, trailer, or other equipment is allowed to park or stand in the visibility triangle.
·        Vegetation, plants, structures, and landscape elements in excess of 30 inches in height above the gutter
line are not allowed within the visibility triangle.
·        Tree limbs must be trimmed 8 ft. high minimum from the curb level within the visibility triangle.
·        At each driveway, each leg of the triangle shall be 10 feet long, measured along the edge of the driveway
and the street gutter line.

II. Right of Way Property Owner Maintenance Guidelines

Ordinance#31 has regulations and exceptions as to what is permitted to be placed within the street right-of-way and the property owner’s maintenance responsibility. In particular, see Sec. 1.06 “Specific Regulations”, Sec. 1.07. “Registration and Right-of-way Occupancy”, or contact the City Commissioner of Streets, Public Works.