
Curbside Recycling is contracted to Waste Management. The cost of this service is not passed on by the City to residents. Please recycle everything that you can.

Waste Management accepts some items that previously had not been accepted.  Included in this list are dairy and juice cartons as well as plastic containers (#1-#7) such as yogurt and sour cream containers.  Lids on those items are also accepted and should be left ON the container.  For residents that shred documents, shredded paper is accepted in a paper bag with the top stapled or rolled shut.  Paperback books are also accepted.  

Pickup Schedule

Pickup is every other Thursday.  We are the Gold Week.
2024 Gold Week Calendar 

Useful Links

Washington County Recycling Information link:

Washington County Residential Recycling and Disposal Guide:

Waste Management information:

Waste Management’s Recycle Often. Recycle Right.℠ campaign simplifies recycling by promoting three basic rules: 

1. Recycle all bottles, cans and paper
2. Keep items clean and dry
3. No plastic bags 
Use this link: